



  • At least 2 weeks before bills go out (generally bills go out mid-July for fall; for spring, 一般11月中旬), departments should typically send a list of students who are eligible for tuition remission to the 研究生院助理院长 in the Graduate School of Arts and 科学 (GSAS), who will then enter the exemption code in the student’s account in Banner. 每晚的动态消息将更新学生的帐户.

时间轴: 7月1日和11月1日左右的博士研究生名单. This needs to be done at least 2 weeks before bills go out (generally bills go out mid-July for fall; for spring, 一般11月中旬). It is also acceptable to send the list of students earlier than this timeline!


  • 根据 CBA, all Graduate Assistants in doctoral programs on nine (9) month stipends performing unit work will be covered by the University student plan at a 100% subsidy.
  • Departments should typically send a list of students who are eligible for 100% of the health care subsidy to the 研究生院助理院长, who will then enter the exemption code in the student’s account in Banner. 每晚的动态消息将更新学生的帐户.
  • If a student who is eligible for the health care subsidy and previously waived it has a qualifying event and needs to opt into health care coverage, 他们可以联系 克里斯Bostek 学生帐户. Chris will then direct them to University Health Plans to fill out the Qualifying Event form at info@univhealthplans.com.

时间轴: List of PhD students on stipends due to GSAS around July 1 and November 1. This needs to be done at least 2 weeks before bills go out (generally bills go out mid-July for fall; for spring, 一般11月中旬).


Departments should provide a list of masters and PhD students who will be employed for the new academic year to their assigned union steward. 据了解,这是一份暂定名单. Union stewards will reach out to new employees to educate them about the union and to obtain a membership card for the union.

时间轴: The list should be sent by July 1 to the union steward for each department where feasible. 同样,据了解,这是一份暂定名单. A final list of all union employees will be handled directly between the Payroll Office and the Teamsters early in the semester.



正如在 第十条, 如果可行的, 除了攻读硕士课程的学生, the University will endeavor to notify Graduate Assistants of their appointment at least one (1) month before the start of the semester in which their appointment begins. The University will endeavor to provide 任命 for masters students as soon as they are known.


  • 通常是8/1(秋季)和12/15(春季) 任命 (i.e., funding) (admission letter can serve as the appointment letter)
  • 通常为8/15(秋季)和1/1(春季) 作业 (specific job assigned); for summer, 14 days before work begins

All appointment and assignment letters and contracts for union positions must be shared with 学生就业办公室 per 第十三条 (电邮至 oncampusemployment@mofosdx.com).


薪酬信息在 CBA第16条. 它规定至少增加2%, 24-25日的津贴是29美元,除英语系外,所有系都是719英镑, 哪一个是12美元,400. 每小时收费19美元.ay24 -25是96. The 学生就业办公室 will confirm the percentage increase for each new academic year to union departments each year, 通常在六月, 在咨询了人力资源部之后.


For students who do not have 9-month 任命 but are hired to teach a course, the CBA does not specify a rate of pay beyond being compensated at a rate 不低于每小时收费每年增加(23-24日为19美元).57), and the Instructor of Record Pay ($1,500 per course) (reference 第十六条). 工资是5美元,460加上1美元,500教员记录工资, 总共6美元,一个单元的课程要960美元.


招聘信息应提交给 学生就业办公室. The Payroll Office will no longer process hiring for graduate/doctoral students. 过程信息是我们的 雇佣一个学生 page; the 助教/ RA电子表格 是否应该继续使用,是否应该通过电子邮件发送给 oncampusemployment@mofosdx.com. Other union positions (including work funded by external grants) must be submitted via Interview Exchange. 休假批准人将由部门指定.

It is preferable to submit hiring information for the entire year; if 作业 change from semester to semester, that does not affect the job record information unless the pay changes (e.g., if a student is working as a TA one semester and teaching a course the next semester). It is easier to terminate a position early than to create a new job record.


  • Chief Budget Officer sends spreadsheet of approved funds for PT faculty for courses to departments.
  • The departments hire PT faculty (which can include doctoral students), and the department administrator populates a PT faculty spreadsheet that goes to 教务长办公室 listing the course being taught and the instructor teaching the course.
  • 教务长办公室会把合同发给学生, copying department chair and department administrator; students return their contract to 教务长办公室.
  • The department administrator submits an Interview Exchange hire form to the 学生就业办公室. Instructors of Record are paid via 8 pay periods because they are not entered until after add/drop.


The 学生就业办公室 and the Payroll Office are reviewing the salary pay cycles to better accommodate when students start and stop working for next year (AY 24-25). 今年的工资周期是:8/12/23 - 12/29/23.5个工资周期. 春季学期为12/29/23 - 5/3/24.5个工资周期. 0.秋季学期和春季学期的工资支付期限均为12月29日. Due dates for hire forms to come for AY 24-25 once salary pay cycles are determined.


  • 学生就业办公室的雇佣表格 不迟于8/1 (秋天) 12/15 (spring); for summer, hire forms are due 14 days before work begins.


  • The timing of when a new international student can work is related to when they arrive in the US and can apply for a Social Security Number (SSN). New international student staff should be provided with the guidelines on 如何申请社会安全号. Students must secure and present an SSN in order to remain employed at Clark, per our 学生就业核实政策.


学生就业办公室: 朱莉Bolduc,董事,及 萨凡纳普兰特、学生就业管理员

研究生艺术 & 科学办公室: 莎拉·西蒙尼艺术研究生院助理院长 & 科学

劳动管理委员会: A 5-member committee that meets with 5 members of the Union at least once per semester and in the summer. 成员:John Labrie, 大卫·埃维里特, 朱莉Bolduc, 菲利普·伯格曼, 凯莉·布莱(替补:萨凡纳·普兰特和萨拉·西蒙尼). If there are any issues or questions that should be addressed by the LMC, please email 朱莉Bolduc, jbolduc@mofosdx.com.

联盟管理者: 地理位置, 十大平台网赌实验室, MSGIS: Kwabena Antwi; Physics, 化学, BCMB, Biology: Thomas Roehl; HGS, 历史, 英语, 教育, IDCE (non-MSGIS): MK Speth; Psychology and Economics: Maddie Logan
